Friday, October 7, 2011

eReader ePidemic

I imagine we will be seeing plenty of these on Tuesday,
on the plane, on the people mover, on the jet way...
who knows? you name it. people will surprise you.
which is part of what makes stalking people watching so intriguing.

If you ask me, the e-reader is an epidemic.
But, that's just me.
I prefer things that appeal to my senses.
maybe if I were a robot.

two perfumes.

Three Little Words: Halloween

Three Little Words: Halloween

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hair of the Moment: Reveal

Dear Hair Gods,

You must be dyslexic.
I am 24 years old.
Not 42 years old.
A gray hair?!

You have a sick sense of humor.
But, then you never were on my side.
As evidenced by my hair's general lack of cooperation.
Spare quantity and generally fine, snarly nature.
Of course, I will continue praying to you in vain...
you know...on the off chance that you feel like smiling on me.

Love, Kait

p.s. I pretty much forgive you because Anneliese is a genius. See?!
Hair of the Moment: Reveal